India Takes a Stand: Three Types of Online Games Banned to Safeguard Users


In a move to address concerns over online gaming addiction and recent incidents of religious conversion through games, Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar has revealed plans to ban three specific categories of games in India. Chandrasekhar highlighted the government’s commitment to regulating online gaming and mentioned that a blueprint for new rules has already been prepared. While the exact parameters for classification were not specified, the minister outlined the following types of games that will be prohibited: those involving betting, games that can harm users, and games with addictive elements.

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Regulating Online Gaming

With the aim of safeguarding public interests, the Indian government has taken the first steps toward establishing a comprehensive framework for online gaming. By identifying three distinct categories of games to be banned, authorities hope to address concerns related to gambling, user well-being, and addiction. The upcoming regulations will have a significant impact on popular application stores like Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store, where the majority of online games are currently distributed.

Games Involving Betting

One of the key concerns highlighted by Minister Chandrasekhar is the prevalence of games involving betting. Such games often blur the lines between entertainment and gambling, potentially leading to financial losses for users and even exacerbating addictive behaviors. By banning these games, the government seeks to protect vulnerable individuals from the negative consequences associated with gambling-related activities.

Games with Potential Harm to Users

In addition to addressing the issue of gambling, the Indian government aims to curtail games that can be harmful to users. While the specific criteria for determining harm were not explicitly outlined, it is likely that games promoting violence, explicit content, or activities that endanger mental or physical well-being will fall under this category. By prohibiting such games, the government aims to ensure a safer and more responsible online gaming environment.

Games with Addictive Elements

Acknowledging the growing concern surrounding online gaming addiction, Minister Chandrasekhar emphasized the need to ban games that possess addictive characteristics. Addiction to video games can have detrimental effects on individuals, affecting their social relationships, academic or professional performance, and overall mental health. By targeting games with addictive elements, the government aims to protect users from the potential risks associated with excessive gaming habits.

India’s decision to ban three types of online games reflects the government’s proactive approach to addressing the challenges posed by gaming addiction and related issues. By prohibiting games involving betting, those potentially harmful to users, and games with addictive qualities, the government seeks to create a safer and more regulated gaming environment. The impact of these regulations will be felt by major application stores such as Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store, which will need to adapt to comply with the new rules. Ultimately, the government’s efforts aim to strike a balance between the benefits of online gaming and the protection of users’ well-being.

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